Saturday, July 15, 2006

A Little Drinkie!

So, yesterday after work I headed down to the Pageant to pick up a concert ticket. When I parked my car behind the venue, I was immediately approached by a U City local who asked for some money. I had no cash and honestly could have just said so, but for some reason I decided to start speaking German as though I didn’t understand English. I don’t know- it was just a reflex. It worked, but only after he decided to speak louder to me and held up three fingers to try and communicate what he needed. I’m an idiot.

Can I just say that I always get little butterflies when I walk around The Pageant? Ah, bliss.

After I completed my task, I texted J that I got my ticket. She didn’t reply right away. I knew she was probably absorbing this information. It was a trip to the grocery store, a movie and a meal later when I received a reply via text:

I can’t take it if u become an afi fan.

Look, the ticket I bought yesterday was for the July 30 AFI show. The only reason I’m going is because I want to see these guys for myself before I totally judge. I am not a fan, nor am I in danger of becoming one. However, I know not to be too emphatic about it because the last time I declared my strong resentment for a band my black VW bug ended up with their heartagram sticker on it. J has never been on board with HIM, and well, whatever, that’s FINE!

What cracks me up about receiving this text when I did is that J was out with her brother at a local bar in Indiana watching a band play. It seems a little alcohol was needed before she could reply.

Just for comic relief, I thought I would include a few more texts from J last night that made me smile:

Yeah I wish u were here. A little drinkie!

I’m being shot down for my [musical] taste. But we’re doing shots so its ok now

I’m gonna be so hungover

Anyway, I will go see AFI on July 30 at The Pageant without J who will conveniently be out of town that weekend. A review is guaranteed.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my all time favorite posts! You guys are hilarious!
