Saturday, August 5, 2006

Living Things at The Creepy Crawl

Thursday night J and I were both in need of getting out and so we headed down to the Creepy Crawl. We had heard that Living Things were playing that night and so thought it might be interesting to see what they are all about.

They sounded great, for the three-song set they gave us. Apparently, they were a little miffed that none of their high school friends were there. In fact, there were about 12 people in the audience, including the camera people, who kept shining a bright light in our faces for extended periods of time.

My god, Lillian was desperately trying to look like a rock star. Really, he looked like an insecure dandy unable to contain his disappointment at the turnout. Clearly, he’s a lead singer who doesn’t give a shit about the music as much as his image. He was a classless, immature, and insecure idiot and I will never buy anything of theirs (which, thankfully I hadn't yet) or spend money to see them again.

J said it best to me when, after Lillian denounced St. Louis and everything about it, she asked “if you don’t like St. Louis that much, then why book shows here?” We’re not even from here, and we felt like we were being punished for having spent 12 dollars to stand and watch them in a St. Louis venue. I think not, ya puny fuckers!

I can't be bothered to check, but I can see these guys being the kind of band that references their St. Louis roots to make them more credible or hardcore in the music industry. Yet, in reality, when here they cower and show their asses like they did Thursday night.

Getting to perform in front of people is a privilege. At least no one was yelling obscenities or throwing piss bottles at you. If something like turnout bothers you that much, then you should probably rethink what you do for a living. You lost two potential fans, guys. This early in your career you should be a little more careful. You never know who is in the audience and word of mouth gets around fast.

Also, if you're going to try and be political, don't take steps to alienate yourself from your target audience, no matter how small or large. If you just act like a stupid rockstar wannabe group, then you need to forget about people giving a shit about what it is you're saying. Lillian, I'm disappointed. You claim to be so well-versed in your political reading, but you haven't a clue as to how to communicate or relate to people. You were clearly too young to understand all that lofty literature from Chomsky, Malcolm X, etc. Live a bit more and reread your precious literature with more mature eyes, but don't come back too soon.

Thankfully, Nashville’s Ghostfinger was there to save the night. They get their own post because Judakris loved them that much. -K

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