Wednesday, May 24, 2006

TH and the Coattail Riders in Chicago

I love our trips to Chicago shows because that means we may be staying with beautiful Aunt B. It also means we'll do shit like introduce new music to each other via our iPods, update each other on the goings on with our respective boys (and I don't mean children), and disguss the fall of tabloid favorites. It's quality time that we don't always get with each other and so I always look forward to it.

The Double Door reminded me of one of those legendary places where famous bands may have gotten their start and fans can reminisce about seeing them before the Behind the Music happens. It's close enough to a metro area where shit can take off, but still so "neighborhood".

I was strangely drawn to the stringy haired Slayer-wannabe guitarist from The Translation. But yes, he was completely misplaced.

When Driveblind came out there may have been ten people watching, inluding J and me. They have certainly honed their chops somewhere. We imagined that they may already have some kind of following in Europe, but their thing just hadn't taken off here yet. A quick google on the band showed me that they do have a humble following back home. I hope they do well. They were awesome.

I have to say I didn't know what to expect from Taylor. His music is typically a little more, dare I say it, jam band than I usual dig, but Taylor could probably make me like anything. Being up front was pretty fucking amazing. I literally had swollen ear drums the next day, but how rawk is that!

White jeans girl was terrifyingly mesmerizing. I'm no prude, but she made me feel dirty and not in a good way.

There was one chick close to me who stretched her nasty ass arm in front of my face and tried to reach for J's newly acquired drumstick. This was after J had offered it back to Taylor. Oh hayell nah! She was not getting that drumstick, by god.

I loved Taylor's cover of "Have A Cigar".

Taylor is so gracious in person. We could tell he was so relieved that the show was over. Not from hating to perform, but from suffering the burden of front man status. I don't know what I said to him, but he hugged me. *sigh* He signed my forearm and made me promise not to get a tattoo of it.

On the detour back through the questionable streets of Chicago, we listened to Taylor being interviewed by a local radio station. The interview was before the show. We know this because during the set, Taylor had commented on how great the pizza is in Chicago. During the interview, he mentioned that he was looking forward to trying some pizza. Do I remember that correctly, J? I just remember you and I giving each other that "mmm-hmmm" look to each other after hearing that and knowing we had figured out the timeline or something. The moments when J and I simultaneously figure out something are so beautiful. -K

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