Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Schadenfreude - [shahd-n-froi-duh]

dictionary.com defines this word as: satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune. As I read the reviews of Britney's performance, schadenfreude summarized the comments.

I’m probably not as nice as K is. When the pre-show began, it was 1:00 in the morning for me. There’s nothing I love more than sleep so goddamnit you better entertain me. The thing about Britney is that it is obvious that she surrounds herself with people that have no sense. Britney is a beautiful woman. I would think it would be a heck of a lot easier to put her in flattering clothes and make her look pretty but instead, someone went in another direction, making her look like she had a beer gut and greasy hair. While I feel somewhat sorry for her, I’m glad that FINALLY, there’s a sucky performance (there have been many over the years)that people are actually saying sucked! Did anyone really think that bullshit performance with Madonna and Christina Aguilera a few years ago was any good? Of course it wasn’t but we had to hear how cutting edge it was.

Does anyone care at all about Kid Rock and Tommy Lee? I think they totally staged that to get some needed publicity. I could hear the cell phone conversation before the show:

Tommy Lee calling Kid: Dude! You know how neither one of us have had a hit in years?
Kid Rock: Uh,yeah
Tommy Lee: Let’s fake fight at the VMAs so we can keep getting free drinks in Vegas.
Kid Rock: Sure.
Tommy Lee: Rad!

My favourite moments:

1. Beyonce getting the no cheek when she went to kiss 50 Cent after she won her award.

2. After John Norris saying to Dave Grohl that he was the musical leader for the night, he responded laughingly with “Yeah and I’m a high school dropout!”

3. Justin Timberlake jumping up and down like a kid after he won an award.

I am sure there are lots of good moments we missed in the fantasy suites, however, we got stock in the main room with the bullshit. --J

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