Wednesday, December 6, 2006

St. Louis or Hell – Is there a difference?

Since Wednesday, I have been sick with the flu, respiratory distress, fever, aches, etc. Since Wednesday, between chills and the sweats I have been laying in bed in the fetal position with my eyes closed listening to the television as I waited for death to arrive. Thursday, as H reported to me that our first winter storm was really happening, all I could think of was who cares?! I’m dying! Yes, I can be a bit dramatic when I’m ill. I think it comes from the fact that I’m not sick like this very often, and also, when I was sick as a kid, even if I was coughing up a lung, my brother M would tell my mom and anyone who would listen that I was faking it. I feel the need to state my case.

Then at about 2:00am on Friday the power went out and was not restored until Monday night. What the fuck?! Again?! Friday I laid in bed under a down comforter until H got home from work and could coax me out of bed to go check into a hotel. As I laid there with my eyes closed in the silence Friday, many things ran through my mind. Was it sheer coincidence that Panic! at the Disco was in town during both St. Louis power outages? Did they have some preternatural force surrounding them giving them unbelievable talent and success at a young age and bringing death and destruction to all that stood in their path? What else could explain 18/19 year olds instantaneously getting a record contract and selling out venues left and right? Hmm, my nephew D was also in town close to both power outages. Has he been practicing the dark arts and failed to mention it on our drive to Springfield, IL on Tuesday? Will I get over the sticker shock of the Red Hot Chili Peppers/Gnarls Barkley $71 concert ticket I recently purchased? Also, what happened to The Soup Dragons??? There were other strange thoughts that I won’t admit to here. The Soup Dragons curiosity comes from the ubiquitous Chase Freedom commercial that samples the Jagger/Richards song I’m Free that they remade back in the early 90’s. If you haven’t seen the commercial yet, trust me, you will. Before the power went out, I think I heard it in the double digits.

Now it’s Wednesday and I’m in a different part of the country for work and on the mend. I could care less about the Soup Dragons so I’m making progress. Onward and upward. --J

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