Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Congratulations R.E.M.

I heard that R.E.M. was recently inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I was happy to hear this and it got me listening to Document and Green on my latest road trip. But for some reason, the following quote from Peter Buck has stuck with me more than this monumental occasion for the group. He was recently on the radio show Sound Opinions and the two hosts were kissing his ass giving him I guess what they think is their ultimate compliment, telling him that he too could be a most excellent rock critic. He responded with the following:
"The reason I could not become a rock critic is because you quite often have to listen to music you don't like and to me, that is just torture. It's one of the reasons I don't go to dinner parties because someone else has control of the stereo. It's like first of all they're cookin for me and then I gotta deal with that, and then on top of everything else, they always play something I just have to, you know, only a really dumb person would play this record. I just can't say that. It's a physical sensation to me, really bad music just I mean, it makes me really pissed off in a way that just almost nothing else other than traffic and root canal does". Hahahaha! --J

1 comment:

  1. Right On, Peter Buck! -- Jefferson Bennett
